Parquet File Handling in Go: A Complete Guide!

Parquet File Handling in Go: A Complete Guide!


3 min read

Parquet, a columnar storage file format, is efficient for large-scale data processing. Handling Parquet files in Go allows efficient data storage and retrieval. This guide covers the essentials of working with Parquet files in Go, including reading, writing, and manipulating data.

1. Understanding Parquet Files

Parquet files organize data in a columnar format, optimizing storage and retrieval for analytical queries. It efficiently stores nested data structures and supports various compression algorithms, making it a popular choice in big data environments.

2. Setting Up the Environment

To work with Parquet files in Go, we'll use the parquet-go library, a Go implementation of the Parquet file format.

Install the library using:

go get -u

Ensure the library is imported in your Go file:

import (

3. Writing Data to a Parquet File

Let's create a sample dataset and write it to a Parquet file using the parquet-go library.

// Define a struct to represent the data structure
type Person struct {
    Name    string
    Age     int32
    Email   string

func writeToParquet() error {
    // Create a new Parquet file writer
    fw, err := local.NewLocalFileWriter("example.parquet")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer fw.Close()

    // Create a new Parquet file writer with schema definition
    pw, err := writer.NewParquetWriter(fw, new(Person), 4)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer pw.WriteStop()

    // Define sample data
    persons := []Person{
        {"Alice", 25, ""},
        {"Bob", 30, ""},
        // Add more data...

    // Write data to the Parquet file
    for _, person := range persons {
        if err = pw.Write(person); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil


  • Person struct defines the structure of the data to be written.

  • writeToParquet the function writes data to a Parquet file.

  • It creates a Parquet file writer, defines a schema, and writes sample data to the file.

4. Reading Data from a Parquet File

Reading data from a Parquet file involves creating a reader and extracting the stored data.

func readFromParquet() error {
    // Open the Parquet file for reading
    fr, err := local.NewLocalFileReader("example.parquet")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer fr.Close()

    // Create a Parquet file reader
    pr, err := reader.NewParquetReader(fr, new(Person), 4)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer pr.ReadStop()

    // Read data from the Parquet file
    for i := 0; i < int(pr.GetNumRows()); i++ {
        var person Person
        if err = pr.Read(&person); err != nil {
            return err
        // Process retrieved data (e.g., print or manipulate)

    return nil


  • readFromParquet function reads data from the Parquet file.

  • It opens the file, creates a Parquet file reader, and iterates through the data, processing each entry.

5. Manipulating Parquet Data

The parquet-go library enables various data manipulation tasks such as filtering, projection, and aggregation.

// Example: Filtering data from Parquet file
func filterParquetData() error {
    // Open and create a Parquet reader as shown in the previous example

    // Filter data based on a condition
    pr.SetFilter([]int32{0}, func(rowGroup []int) bool {
        // Apply filter condition (e.g., return rows where Age > 25)
        return pr.ReadByNumber(rowGroup[0]).(*Person).Age > 25

    // Read and process filtered data
    for i := 0; i < int(pr.GetNumRows()); i++ {
        var person Person
        if err := pr.Read(&person); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil


  • filterParquetData demonstrates filtering data from a Parquet file.

  • It sets a filter condition to retrieve rows where the person's age is greater than 25.

  • The filtered data is then read and processed.

6. Conclusion

Handling Parquet files in Go using the parquet-go library facilitates efficient data storage and retrieval. Understanding the basics of writing, reading, and manipulating Parquet data empowers developers to leverage the columnar format for various data-intensive applications.

I hope this helps, you!!

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