TechWasti is a community where we are sharing thoughts, concepts, ideas, and codes.
Introduction In modern applications, ensuring that scheduled tasks do not run concurrently across distributed systems is crucial for maintaining data...
In Go language (Golang), understanding how to efficiently reverse a string is crucial for optimizing performance in various applications. Let's...
What is a user persona? Personas are fictional characters that you develop using your research to represent the different kinds of users who might use...
Jakob Nielsen introduced 10 usability heuristics, guiding principles for creating user-friendly interfaces, aimed at enhancing user experiences....
What Is User Research? User research is all about figuring out how people behave, what they need, and why they do what they do. We do this by watching...
Design thinking is a cyclical, iterative approach that teams employ to empathize with users, question assumptions, redefine challenges, and generate...