How to get all query parameters from go *gin.context object?


When working with a web application, it's common to use query parameters to pass data between different parts of the application. In Go, the popular Gin framework provides a gin.Context object to handle requests and responses. In this article, we will discuss how to get all query parameters from a gin.Context object in Gin.

Steps to get all query parameters:

  1. First, we need to import the Gin framework package:
import ""
  1. Create a Gin router and define a route that handles GET requests:
router := gin.Default()

router.GET("/path", func(c *gin.Context) {
  // code to get all query parameters goes here

  1. To get all query parameters from the *gin.Context object, we can use the c.Request.URL.Query() method:
queryParams := c.Request.URL.Query()
  1. The result of the Query() method is a map[string][]string, where the keys are the parameter names and the values are slices of the parameter values. To get the value of a specific parameter, we can use the Get() method:
value := queryParams.Get("paramName")
  1. To loop through all the query parameters, we can use a for loop:
for key, values := range queryParams {
  // do something with the key and values


Let's see an example that demonstrates how to get all query parameters from a *gin.Context object:

package main

import (

func main() {
    router := gin.Default()

    router.GET("/path", func(c *gin.Context) {
        queryParams := c.Request.URL.Query()

        for key, values := range queryParams {
            fmt.Printf("Parameter: %s, Values: %v\n", key, values)

        c.String(200, "Success")


In the above example, we define a route that handles GET requests to the "/path" path. Inside the route function, we get all query parameters using the c.Request.URL.Query() method and loop through them to print their keys and values. Finally, we send a response with a "Success" message.


Getting all query parameters from a *gin.Context object in Gin is a simple and straightforward process using the c.Request.URL.Query() method. With this method, we can easily access and manipulate query parameters in our web applications.

I hope this helps, you!!

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