Quarkus Annotation cheatSheet!!

Quarkus Annotation cheatSheet!!

Quarkus - Hello world example using Kotlin!

In this article, you are going to learn some of the most commonly used annotations in Quarkus and their purposes:

Quarkus Core Annotations

  • @ApplicationScoped: Used to annotate a class whose instances are shared across the entire application. It is a type of CDI scope that defines the lifecycle of the annotated bean to be the same as the lifecycle of the application.

  • @Singleton: Used to annotate a class whose instances are shared across the entire application. It is a type of CDI scope that defines the lifecycle of the annotated bean to be the same as the lifecycle of the application.

  • @Inject: Used to annotate a field, constructor parameter, or setter method to indicate that the value of the field or parameter should be injected by CDI.

  • @Produces: Used to annotate a method that produces a bean to be injected by CDI.

  • @ConfigProperty: Used to annotate a field, constructor parameter, or setter method to indicate that its value should be injected from the configuration.

RESTful Web Services Annotations

  • @Path: Used to annotate a resource class or method to specify the URI path that should be mapped to the resource.

  • @GET: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it should handle HTTP GET requests.

  • @POST: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it should handle HTTP POST requests.

  • @PUT: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it should handle HTTP PUT requests.

  • @DELETE: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it should handle HTTP DELETE requests.

  • @Produces: Used to annotate a method to indicate the media type of the response it produces.

Hibernate Annotations

  • @Entity: Used to annotate a class to indicate that it is a persistent entity in the database.

  • @Id: Used to annotate a field to indicate that it is the primary key of the entity.

  • @GeneratedValue: Used to annotate a field to specify the strategy used to generate the primary key value.

  • @Column: Used to annotate a field to specify the mapping between the entity attribute and the database column.

Quarkus Messaging Annotations

  • @Incoming: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it should handle incoming messages from a messaging system.

  • @Outgoing: Used to annotate a method to indicate that it produces outgoing messages to a messaging system.

  • @Channel: Used to annotate a method to indicate the name of the messaging channel.

These are just a few of the most commonly used annotations in Quarkus. There are many more annotations available that provide additional functionality, such as caching, security, and metrics.

I hope this helps, you!!

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